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For us, web developers, the choice of a source code editor shouldn’t come lightly. This is where we spend most of our development time and where productivity is gained or lost on a grand scale. No two developers are alike, so there is a plethora of editors that can accommodate any coding style. But this politically-correct statement doesn’t answer the most fundamental question of all – which is the best?
To determine the best editor, we will rate each one on a scale from 1 to 5 stars, consisting of:
  • Beginner friendliness – how easy it is for a beginner to get up and running when opening it for the first time;
  • Power – this criteria rates the feature set, text editing capabilities, editing modes etc.
  • Extensibility – does the editor supports plugins, bundles or extensions;
  • Aesthetics – we strive for beauty in our work, so it is natural to look for the same in our tools;
  • Speed – this rates the startup time, performance when opening large files, snappiness of the interface;
  • Cross-platform – if the editor is available on multiple operating systems.
  • Price – the lower the cost, the higher the mark.
Editors are presented in groups, giving some context on the typical type of developer that would use them.

For Gurus

Who is a guru you ask? Generally, this is a person who has been using one of the editors below since before you were born. The tools in this section are hardcore and insanely expandable. They can run from a terminal window and according to UNIX traditions all their settings are defined in configuration files. Beginners beware!


Released in 1991 this versatile and powerful editor gained a massive following in the open source world. What makes it different from any other editor in this article, is its command-based workflow. Instead of simply typing code, you choose between modes for entering or selecting text, running regex-powered searches and using more commands than you can handle on an empty stomach. It can run from both a console window and a GUI. It has also been ported to all major operating systems. Vim is also extendable by using scripts and plugins, which allow you to tailor your experience with the editor. It is open source software and comes preinstalled on most Linux systems.
Links: WebsiteWikipedia
Vim Card


Development of Emacs started way back in the 1970 and continues to this day. This editor is known for its extensibility, achieved by loading customized libraries. It deserves its place in computing history, as it is one of the first editors to implement syntax highlighting, automatic indentation and support for multiple programming languages. Like Vim, it is perfectly cross-platform and can be used from both a terminal window and through a graphical user interface. The editor comes bundled with a LISP interpreter, which gurus can use to change it to extremes. Emacs is free and open source software.
Links: WebsiteWikipedia
Emacs Card

For Professionals

The editors in this category are full blown development environments. They are meant to be easy to use and at the same time expose powerful features so that developers go through writing code, compiling, testing and deploying from a single application.


Eclipse is the goto development environment for writing Java applications. The IDE follows a plugin architecture, which makes it easy to bring support for additional programming languages. There are plugins for C/C++, Ruby, PHP and more. Eclipse offers powerful code hinting, built in documentation and real-time syntax checking. Companies like Google release their development kits for the platform, so you can easily create applications for Android and App Engine. Eclipse is free and open source.
Links: WebsiteWikipedia
Eclipse Card

Aptana Studio

Aptana is a development environment targeted at rich AJAX applications. It is based on Eclipse, and bundles powerful new tools that make sense for web developers. It has support for the most popular web programming languages: PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Ruby, Python and more through plugins. It has Git integration, ability to deploy your application to remote servers and bundles of useful code snippets and actions for every language. Like Eclipse, Aptana is free and open source.
Links: WebsiteWikipedia
Aptana Card


Netbeans is another Java development environment, but like Eclipse, can be extended with bundles for additional languages including PHP, Python, C/C++ and others. It runs on Linux, Windows and OSX. Where this IDE shines though, is in Java development. Netbeans can speed up your development of desktop applications with a drag&drop GUI builder. A negative side effect of all this flexibility is the performance – Netbeans has frequently been reported for being slow on large projects. The IDE is free and open source.
Links: WebsiteWikipedia
Netbeans Card


Dreamweaver is part of Adobe’s application suite targeted at web designers/developers. It provides support only for the most popular web languages – PHP, ASP.NET,  JavaScript, HTML, CSS. It is mainly suitable for beginner developers, with support for WYSIWYG editing, live previews, deployment to remote servers and building apps with jQuery mobile and Phonegap. Dreamweaver is available on OSX and Windows. With a standalone price tag of $399 it is hard to recommend in place of the other editors in the article, but buying it as part of Adobe’s CS suites might make more sense.
Links: Website
Dreamweaver Card

Visual Studio

Visual Studio is the all-in-one development environment for Windows. It supports a large number of languages (C/C++, C#, VB.NET and F# come built-in)  and can be used to develop applications for desktop, mobile and web. It has powerful features for code autocompletion, inline documentation, error checking, debugging, form designer, database schema creation and more. The price starts from $500, but an Express version of Visual Studio is available for free, with a limited feature set.
Visual Studio Card


Xcode is Apple’s solution for developing OSX and iOS applications. It supports C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Java, AppleScript, Python and Ruby. With Xcode, you can write, debug and preview code. It provides a GUI builder and a mobile device emulator for testing iOS apps. The IDE is based on open source utilities like the GNU Debugger and the Apple LLVM compiler. Xcode used to be paid, but now is offered for free to developers.
Links: Website
Xcode Card

Coda 2

Coda is an all-in-one web developer power tool set. It includes support for (s)FTP file transfer, code navigation, sites and groups, code folding, terminal and git integration, MySQL management and much more. With the new Coda 2 release, you can even use an iPad as a dedicated preview screen. The regular price is $99, but you can get it with a discount for around $75.
Link: Website
Coda 2 Card

For Aesthetes

The editors presented here are beautiful, lightweight, easy to use and extensible. There are big communities around them, which produce bundles and plugins, write articles, and offer tips on how to make the best use of the respective editor.


TextMate is a general-purpose graphical text editor for OSX. It includes extensive support for macros and bundles, code folding, snippets, shell integration, clipboard history and project management. TextMate 2 is expected to bring long requested features like split views and full screen support, which are currently missing. The editor costs around $50.
Link: Website
TextMate Card

Sublime Text 2

Sublime is a beautiful cross-platform code editor. It is fast and feature rich, with support for practically every programming language. It supports multiple selections, code folding, keyboard bindings, macros, split screen editing and projects. Sublime Text also has a fullscreen and distraction-free modes, which look great on big displays. Like TextMate, it has a vibrant community behind it, which creates bundles and plugins with the help of Sublime’s powerful plugin API. It runs on Linux, Windows and OSX. This editor comes with an unlimited trial period, but you should eventually purchase a license for $59, which can be used on every computer that you own.
Links: Website
Sublime Card

For Pragmatists

This section is for people who just want to get things done. These editors don’t get in your way, but at the same time are fast and very powerful. They may not be as refined as the last group, but rest assured that they can take anything you throw at them.


This powerful and lightweight editor is a must for any programmer running Windows. Although its name might connote that it is merely an improved version of Notepad, this is a mighty tool. It is easy for beginners to get started, but it takes a pro to truly master. Notepad++ supports every popular programming language with plugins available for the rest. The editor also has support for split screen editing, an FTP browser, macros and powerful text editing capabilities. Notepad++ is free as in speech and also as in beer.
Links: Website
Notepad++ Card


TextWrangler is a free and lightweight OSX-only editor with support of multiple programming languages. It offers a powerful search and replace functionality with multiple file support, text manipulation, file comparison, auto indentation, multiple clipboards, ftp support and more.
Links: Website
TextWrangler Card

And the best editor is..

With a rating of 4.6, the best source code editor is Sublime Text 2! With its fast release cycle, cross-platform availability, speed and elegance, Sublime offers a package that is only enhanced by the large community of developers around it.
Didn’t find your editor of choice in this list? Tell us which is your favorite in the comment section below!
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Professionals in both fields seem to have realized of late that it helps for designers to have an understanding of web development, and for developers to know about good design practices. And yet, this awareness doesn’t often get carried very far in practice. It feels so much safer to stay within your sphere of comfort, where arcane design terms don’t get tossed around with bewildering frequency. But a lot of headaches and misunderstandings can be evaded by understanding just a few of the basic principles that underlie good design.

1. Space

The hallowed concept that designers call white space (otherwise known as negative space) is one of the most essential components of web design. It’s the margins, the padding, the letter spacing and line heightwithin text; it’s every part of the site that isn’t filled with some eye-catching object (meaning that patterns and images can sometimes be a part of white space, as long as they recede from focus, rather than grab at it).
White Space
White Space
For example, this blog has plenty of white space, although you might at first think that the patterns on the top and sides don’t count. But they do, because they’re low-contrast and restful to look at. That’s the point of white space; it rests the eye, creating pauses in content intake that stops users from getting overwhelmed by an excess of information. Notice how all the sections in the sidebar take up so much space to say very little; this makes the text more readable and sections more distinguishable. All these spaces are what makes this site feel so clean, well-organized, and welcoming.
Tips on White Space:
  • Make sure blocks of text are always broken up with shorter paragraphs, lists, or images.
  • Soft textures, patterns, and images can be used as white space, but don’t overdo them. Too many conflicting elements become confusing, no matter how low-contrast they are.

2. Contrast

There are a lot of ways to achieve contrast in design, but at least a few of them must be employed to make a website look good. There’s contrast in color; people unconsciously respond to this whenever they see a brightly-colored button against a neutral background. There are also ways to use contrasting sizes and shapes. In all its forms, contrast is used to call out important sections, and add a sense of movement and interest to elements that would look static and plain if they were too similar.
Bold Contrast
Bold Contrast
This website uses all three types of contrast mentioned above: the bright, flat blocks of color pop out against the light, textured background. The organic shape of the logo on the left contrasts with the rest of the type, which are all blocky and architectural. Furthermore, the title typeface stands out because it’s so much larger than the others.
Tips on Contrast:
  • Refer to common color rules, using a color wheel to determine which hues look most striking when put together.
  • Typefaces don’t always need to be very different in scale and in shape, but at least one of these contrasts will always help a design.

3. Balance

The last major concept to conquer is one that deals with the arrangement of the page. If a layout is too lopsided, it won’t look right. On the other hand, if it’s completely centered, it risks looking stale and boring. Balance is struck when the visual weight on one side of a page is countered by elements on the other side.
Visual Balance
Visual Balance
For example, you might at first identify this site as being off-balance because the banner and the logo are both on the left-hand side. However, the visual weight they give to that side of the page are met on the other side with the navigation bar and a striking photo.
Tips on Balance:
  • Half close your eyes when you check a page for its balance. The elemental block shapes will be easier to identify, and distracting details will be less apparent.
  • Balance doesn’t mean exactly equal. A large block of orange on one side of a page can be balanced by an orange button on the other side.
  • Check out some infographic design tips to get a better sense of balance; layout is one of the most important considerations in this field.
Developers shouldn’t feel like they need to get an arts degree to have a working understanding that gives designers a leg up with their work. All it takes is a general understanding to be able to cooperate in creating great web design. An understanding of these few principles will add immeasurably to your interaction with designers, and the visual aspects any project.
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Dans ce tutoriel vidéo je vous propose d'apprendre à créer un système de panier en PHP. Vous apprendrez comment utiliser les sessions pour sauvegarder la liste des produits ajoutés au panier.
Pour ce tutoriel j'ai utilisé une maquette créée par Jeremy, elle est fournie dans les sources pour les membres premiums.
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Dans ce tutoriel vidéo vous découvrirez comment créer un effet de pli 3D en utilisant le CSS3. Cet effet est inspiré d'une expérimentation faite par Daryl Ginn.

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La gestion des utilisateurs sur Symfony 2 ainsi que leurs droits est relativement aisée. Grâce au FOSUserBundle vous pourrez gagner du temps car il gère pour vous les pages d'inscription, connexion, etc. Ainsi que la sécurité et la complexité de ces systèmes

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Vous l'aurez sûrement remarqué mais les input de type checkbox, radio et file ne sont pas personnalisable, aussi il va falloir contourner le problème et styler le <label> à la place.

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 This is a Free List Proxy 100% Work and 100% Uptime ItalieLazioViterbo51.0% Turquie57.6% UkraineDonets'ka Oblast'Makiyivka76.7% La ChineFujianXiamen80.5% AngolaLuandaLuanda86.2% Ukraine79.0% Bresil91.4% Anonyme Taiwan12.5% Etats-UnisMissouriKansas City50.8% TchequeOlomoucky krajOlomouc91.8% La ChineGuangdongGuangzhou90.1% La ChineChongqingChongqing70.4% La ChineShanxiHenan83.2% L'ArgentineDistrito FederalBuenos Aires83.6% IndonesieJakarta RayaJakarta87.8% La ChineHunanChangsha81.6% ThailandeKrung ThepBangkok77.5% VenezuelaAraguaMaracay11.9%
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طبقًا لوثيقة جديدة عالية السرية تم تسريبها إلى صحيفة الجارديان، فإنّ مايكروسوفت تعاونت عن قرب مع وكالات الاستخبارات الأمريكية للسماح باعتراض اتصالات المستخدمين عبر الشركة، ووصل هذا التعاون من مايكروسوفت إلى درجة مساعدة وكالة الأمن القومي في التحايل على التشفير الخاص بالشركة نفسها.
وكعادة جميع الوثائق التي يتم تسريبها إلى الجارديان كان “إدوارد سنودن” هو المصدر، وتُظهر الوثيقة الأخيرة حجم التعاون بين شركات وادي السليكون ووكالات الاستخبارات الأمريكية خلال الثلاث أعوام الماضية، كما ألقت الضوء على برنامج التنصت عالي السرية المعروف باسم PRISM الذي تمّ فضحه منذ أسابيع عبر سنودن نفسه. وأظهرت الوثيقة عدة معلومات غاية في الأهمية مثل:
  • ساعدت مايكروسوفت وكالة الأمن القومي للتحايل على تقنية التشفير الخاصة بالشركة لتقليل مخاوف الوكالة من عدم قدرتها على اعتراض المحادثات على بوابة Outlook.com الجديدة.
  • حصلت الوكالة على وصول للبريد على Outlook.com في مرحلة ما قبل التشفير.
  • عملت مايكروسوفت هذا العام مع FBI للخروج بتقنية تسمح لوكالة الأمن القومي وصول أسهل عبر برنامج PRISM إلى خدمة التخزين السحابي “سكاي درايف” التي لديها الآن أكثر من 250 مليون مستخدم حول العالم.
  • كما عملت مايكروسوفت مع وحدة اعتراض البيانات في FBI لفهم المشاكل المحتملة مع ميزة في Outlook.com تسمح للمستخدمين بإنشاء أسماء مستعارة للبريد الإلكتروني.
  • في يوليو من العام الماضي وبعد تسعة أشهر من استحواذ مايكروسوفت على سكايب، تفاخرت وكالة الأمن القومي بأن قدراتها الجديدة في جمع محادثات فيديو سكايب قد تضاعفت ثلاث مرات.
  • البيانات المجموعة عبر PRISM يتم مشاركته بالأساس بين كلًا من وكالة الأمن القومي NSA، ووكالة الاستخبارات الأمريكية CIA، ومكتب التحقيقات الفيدرالي FBI.
كما يكشف التسريب الأخير من وكالة الأمن القومي تصاعد حدة التوتر بين كبار الشركات التقنية وإدارة أوباما بعد قيام هذه الشركات بعدة مطالبات لكشف موقفها للرأي العام بشفافية وهو الأمر الذي قوبل بالرفض عدة مرات من الإدارة الأمريكية وحتى عند قبوله يكون في أضيق الحدود، وبنفس الوقت يُصّر الرؤساء التنفيذيين والمسئولين في هذه الشركات التقنية بأن الوصول لبيانات المستخدمين الأمريكيين لا يتم سوى بأمر قضائي. وهو أمر متغير بعض الشئ حيث أنّه طبقًا لوثيقة محكمة سُرّبت في وقت سابق، يمكن لعميل التحقيقات الفيدرالي أن يتنصت على بيانات المستخدم إذا كانت لديه قناعة بنسبة 51 بالمئة بأنه مواطن غير أمريكي وغير متواجد على الأراضي الأمريكية.

“خصوصيتك هي من أولوياتنا” مايكروسوفت

الطريف أنّ مايكروسوفت ركزت في حملتها التسويقية في شهر أبريل الماضي على عبارة “خصوصيتك هي من أولوياتنا” ولكن بعد تسريب الوثائق الأخيرة لا أعتقد أنني سأثق في أي كلمة تقولها مايكروسوفت بعد الآن، فالشركة متساهلة كثيرًا بشأن بيانات المستخدمين لدرجة التعاون مع الوكالات الأمنية للوصول لهذه البيانات وهو أمر غير مقبول على الإطلاق. ولكن دعونا لا نظلم مايكروسوفت، فقد تخرج وثائق مستقبلًا نرى فيها المزيد من الشركات المتعاونة مع الوكالات الأمنية
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تم قبل قليل اختراق موقع الجزيرة للاخبار وموقع الجزيرة الرياضية من قبل عناصر تلقب ب الراشدون


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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
و الصلاة و السلام على أشــرف المــرسليـن ..
السـلام علــيـكـم و رحمـة الله تعـالى و بــركـاتـه ..
تمضي الأيـام .. لكن الذكرى تبقــى الماضــي مضـى .. و المضارع يمضي
لذلك فلنطـوي صفحـة الماضـي و لنبــدأ بصفحات بيضــاء جديــدة
و لنــجعل من من الذكريات الــوانا في كتابنا و لنــملئ صــفاحتنا البيــضاء بســطور ذهبية
تعــكس جمالها على منتــدانا هذا .. الحمـد لله وحده نحمده و نشكره و نستعـينه و نستـغفره و نعـود بالله
مـن شـرور أنـفسنا و من سيـئات أعمالنا .. من يـهده الله فلا مظل لـه و مـن يظـلل فلن تـجد له ولياً
مرشدا ..و أشـهد ألا إلاه إلا الله وحده لا شريك له و أن محــمداً عبده و رسـوله صــلى الله عليه و
سلم و على آله و صحبه أجمعين و من تبعهم بإحسـان إلى يوم الدين ..ربنا لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا إنك أنت العليم
الـخـبــيـر .. ربـنـا لا فــهم لـنا إلا ما فهــمتنا إنــك أنـت الجــواد الـكـريـم .
ربـي اشرح لي صــدري و يســر لي أمــري و احــلل عقــدة من لســاني يفقــهوا قــولي ..
... أما بعد ...
فإن أصــدق الحــديث كــتاب الله تعــالى و خير الــهدي هــديُ سيـدنا محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم ..
و شــر الأمــور مــحدثــاتها و كــل محــدثة بدعة و كل بدعـة ظـلالة و كل ظـلالة فــي النار ..
فاللــهم أجــرنا و قــنا عذابــها برحمتــك يا أرحــم الراحميــن
اهلا بكم اخوانى اعضاء ومشرفى ومحبى هذا المنتدى العظيم ..
اما بعد .اهلا بيكم في عالم التطوير والبرمجة

اليوم باذن الله سوف أفتح لكم الموضوع 

حول الاصدار الرسمي من سكربت iSmile

من لديه اي اقتراح مرحبا به هنا

والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته

أولا نبذة حول السكربت
السكربت يستغل ب php simple
يعني لم أستعمل نظام الكلاسات
الى الاصدار القادم ان شاء الله
بالنسبة للغة العرض فهو معمول بتقنية css3 and Html5
اضافة الى أنني استعمت فيه بعض مكتبات الجيكويري

بسم الله نبدا بتنصيب النسخة

معلومات الأدمنأوك

الصور مع الاسف غير واضحة جيدا لا اعرف لمذا ربما المشكل من موقع الرفع المهماالهيدر
الواجهة بسيطة شوية أفضل من الماضي على العموم

أسف الموقع (الفوتر)

كل شيئ تمام
ندخل لموضوع ما

نسجل الدخول(الاعضاء)
كل شيئ تمام

نعمل رد على الموضوع
اوكبالنسبة هنا انا لمانا لا تشغتل معي على الجهاز
لذا تمت تجربتها على جهاز اخر

المهم نذهب الى الصورةنضغط عليهااها 

هناك المزيد اكتشفوه بأنفسكم ليس لدي الوقت لاكافي لرفع جميع الصور

المهم نمشو الادارة


ســــير على الله يسيرالاعــــداداتنملأهانغلق الموقعالمواضيع الموجودةنعدل موضوعالردود الموجودةالاعضاءهنا حساباتكم على الشبكات الاجتماعيةتظهر في أسفل الموضوع (الفوتر)
وفي الختام السكربت يشتغل علىالا الــعجوز أكسبلوررالى هنا ينتهي الموضوع والحمد للهاتمنى أن ينال اعجابكم هذا السكربت
سيتم فتح الموضع الخاصة باخكطائه نلتقي غدا
أستوعدكم الله الذي لا تضيع ودائعه والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
ذاااهب الى النوم لق تعبت فعلا 
نلتقي غدا صباحا

الرابط الجديد للنسخة المصصحة هنا

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